Today was an 18km walk on a quiet metalled road in the rain. Wonderful 😊. I didn’t mind. Just head down and let the kilometres walk by.
Was cold when I got to Helena Bay so a swim was not inviting. Texted trail angel Alex and her partner Dave came to pick me up and take me to their delightful totally off grid place. Basic but very charming.
I managed to get a little old caravan to sleep in which was perfect as it rained heavily again overnight. I had a couple of little lizards for company. No idea what they were. I didn’t know that New Zealand has 126 species of lizard and new species are still being discovered.
There were eight of us TAs overnight and we had a great evening of chat, beers and a fabulous meal cooked by Alex and Dave.
I witnessed the first coming apart of a trail family (tramily), a group of five that had been inseparable since day 2. Not because of emotion or conflict but a recognition that there was a big difference in pace within the group and that Josh had to accept that he needed to rest his blistered feet for a few days, deciding to hitch on ahead to Whangārei. Am emotional parting the following morning. So the trail gives and takes.